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P. 206

B. Maurer et al.
cS5Ahi- or hSTAT5BN642H-dependent gene expression pro- files are highly correlated to human peripheral
T-cell lymphoma
Next, we performed RNA-sequencing and subsequent gene set enrichment analysis with CD8+ T cells from 15- week old wt, cS5Alo and cS5Ahi mice to identify cS5AF-
dependent changes in global gene expression patterns. Only very few genes were deregulated in cS5Alo CD8+ T cells, reflecting mild changes. Comparing up- or down- regulated genes in cS5Ahi CD8+ T cells to wt and cS5Alo, there were 182 commonly up- (63.6%) and 101 (26%) commonly down-regulated genes. In addition, 71 (24.8%)
Figure 3. Expanded CD8+ T cells infil- trate peripheral organs. (A) CD3 stain- ing of a representative enlarged lymph node (LN) of a diseased cS5Ahi mouse and age-matched wildtype (wt) mouse LN. (B) CD3 staining on consecutive cuts of representative spleens of wt controls and diseased cS5Ahi mice. (C, D) Hematoxylin & eosin (HE) (left), CD3 (middle) and Ki67 (right) staining of consecutive sections of lung (C) and liver (D) of diseased cS5Ahi and age- matched wt mice. (A-D) Scale bars indi- cate 50, 100, 200, or 800 μm.
haematologica | 2020; 105(2)

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