Page 191 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 191
CHAPTER 20 - Congenital dyserythropoietic anemias
Arnaud L L Saison C Helias et et al al A A A dominant muta on on on on in in in the the gene encoding the the erythroid transcrip on on on on factor KLF1 causes a a a a a a a a a a a congenital dyserythropoie c c c c anemia Am J Hum Genet 2010 87(5):721 727 Babbs C Roberts NA Sanchez-Pulido L et al al Homozygous muta ons in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a predicted endonuclease are a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a novel cause of congenital dyserythropoie c c c c c anemia type I Haematologica 2013 98(9):1383-1387 Bianchi P Fermo E E ercella C C C C et al al Congenital dyserythropoie c c c c anemia type II II (CDAII) is caused by muta ons in the SEC23B gene HumMutat 2009 30(9):1292 1298 Heimpel H H H H Kellermann K K K Neuschwander N N H H H H gel J Schwarz K K K The morphological diagnosis of of of congenital dy- serythropoie c c c c c c c anemia: results of of of a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a quan ta ta ve analysis of of of peripheral blood and and bone marrow cells Haematologi- ca 2010 95(6):1034 1036 Dgany O Avidan N Delaunay J J et et al al Congenital dyserythropoie c c c anemia type I is caused by muta ons in in codanin-1 Am J J Hum Genet 2002 71(6):1467-1474 Lil eholm M Irvine AF ikberg AL et al al Congenital dyserythropoie c c anemia type III III (CDA III) is caused by a a a a a a a a muta on on in in in in kinesin family member KIF23 Blood 2013 6 121(23):4791-9 Nichols KE Crispino JD Poncz M M M M White JG Orkin SH Maris JM Weiss MJ Familial dyserythropoie c c c c anaemia and thrombocytopenia due to to an inherited muta on on in in in in GATA1 Nat Genet 2000 24(3):266-270 Schwarz K Iolascon A erissimo F et et et al al Muta ons a a a a a a a a a a a ec ec ng the secretory COPII coat component SEC23B cause con- genital dyserythropoie c c c c c anemia type II Nat Genet 2009 41(8):936 940 Tamary H H Dgany O Proust A et al al al Clinical and molecular variability in in congenital dyserythropoie c c c c anaemia type I Br J Haematol 2005 130(4):628 634 178