Page 165 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
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CHAPTER 17 - - Mature B-cell neoplasms
Figure 17 Plasma cell cell myeloma The secretory material in in in plasma cells may be in in in the form of prominent spherical masses called Russel bodies variable in in in number size and and staining Many globules are colorless (A and and B) others are pink light blue or or purple They may be observed in in the nucleus of plasma cells (Dutcher bodies) or or adjacent to the the nucleus or in in in in the the distal cytoplasm (C and D) Cells containing numerous globular inclusions may rupture libera- ng groups of spherical masses which may may or or may may not have an a a a a a a a a a a ached or or ad acent nucleus The grouped globules usually stain delicate shades of of of pink blue lavender or green They o o o o o en en en have the appearance of of of a a a a a a a a a a a bunch of of of grapes and are are called grape cells cells cells or or or morula cells cells cells or or or Mo cells cells cells These structures are are most frequently seen in bone marrow smears of pa ents with PCM but may rarely be found also in various other condi ons 152

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