Page 113 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
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CHAPTER 13 - Acute myeloid leukemia and related precursor neoplasms
This classification system is is is based on on an integrated multidisciplinary approach that uses all available informa- tion (morphology cytochemistry immunophenotype genetics clinical aspects) to to define biologically homoge- neous and clinically relevant entities This classification improved the the prognostic value of the the former French-A- merican-British (FAB) classification (Bennett et et al 1976) by recognizing more specific categories on on the basis of cytogenetic findings as as well as as cellular morphology and allowed a a a a a a a a a a more accurate evaluation for emerging therapies that target specific genetic abnormalities The WHO group also proposed the the the inclusion in in the the the AML classification as as as as distinct entities of the leukemias with morphological dysplastic alterations in in two or or or more cell lineages as as as as well as as as as the the leukemias secondary to to to to the the exposure to to to to environmental or iatrogenic cytotoxic agents as as as as these leukemias are associated with characteristic chromosomal abnormalities and a a a a a a a a a a a a generally severe prognosis The myeloid leukemias not not included in in the the above categories (NOS not not otherwise specified) should be subclassi- fied according to to the the morphological cytochemical and immunological criteria proposed some time ago by the the FAB group with subsequent updates (Bennett et et al 1976 1985 1991) References
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and and acute leukemia: ra onale and and important changes
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