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R. Marke et al.
Figure 5. IKZF1 alterations mediate therapy resistance. Overview of IKZF1-affected pathways contributing to tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) resistance and glucocor- ticoid (GC) resistance. Enhanced cell adhesion due to loss of IKZF1 function has been shown to contribute to both TKI and GC resistance. Deregulation of metabolic pathways, such as LKB1/AMPK signaling and glucose metabolism, attenuated glucocorticoid receptor (GR) target gene regulation and upregulation of epithelial membrane protein 1 (EMP1) have been implicated in mediating GC resistance of IKZF1-deleted BCP-ALL. Green boxes indicate activated targets or pathways, while red boxes define attenuated pathways. Targets within the metabolic pathway can either promote or inhibit GC resistance.
ALL. However, more recently the role of IKZF1 deletions steroid pulses during maintenance therapy,81 may already as an independent prognostic marker has been prevent relapses. For the near future, more systematic challenged,119 as has the specific contributions of whole screens aimed at determining specific vulnerabilities of
gene versus intragenic dominant-negative IKZF1 deletions.86 One potential explanation for such disparities may relate to differences in scheduling and dosing of spe- cific therapeutic agents between different treatment pro- tocols. It will, therefore, be important to study these pro- tocol-dependent differences in order to define what is cur- rently the most efficient treatment for IKZF1-deleted ALL. Certain adjustments, such as the addition of vincristine-
IKZF1-deleted ALL may lead to the identification of tar- geted therapies that can re-sensitize this high-risk ALL subgroup to curative treatment.
This work was supported by Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij (KiKa; grant numbers KiKa 2009-55 and KiKa 2010-77) and Stichting KOC Nijmegen.
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