Page 142 - Haematologica - Vol. 105 n. 6 - June 2020
P. 142

  W. Townsend et al.
 Relationship between Ki67, TFH cells and histological grade
The area of the Ki67 binary layer and the corresponding number of Ki67pos cells counted by automated analysis increased with histological grade (Figure 4A). The area of the PD-1posICOSpos intersection was closely correlated with the number of Ki67pos cells and histological grade demon- strating that, in higher grade cases with a higher prolifera- tion rate, the absolute number of TFH is increased (Figure
4B). The degree of colocalization between Ki67+ B-cells and TFH was, however, similar across all histologi- cal grades. Thus, in cases with low Ki67 there were few TFH and in cases with high Ki67 there were more TFH, but the extent of co-localization remained relatively constant (Figure 4C). There was also a correlation between the number of Ki67pos cells and the number of TFH in normal GC (r=0.55, P=0.019, n=17 GC from n=4 samples; Online Supplementary Figure S7).
Figure 6. Evidence of T-cell receptor repertoire restriction in follicular lymphoma. (A) The clon- ality of the T-cell receptors (TCR) in intrafollicular areas was higher than in the interfollicular com- partment in all cases examined, horizontal bars represent mean of all samples, median clonality 0.062 versus 0.049 respectively, Mann Whitney, P=0.0317. (B) Summary of TCR repertoire data showing the proportion of the total population accounted for by high frequency clones in the fol- licular and interfollicular regions of follicular lym- phoma lymph nodes. In each case, the more fre- quent clones predominate in the follicular regions compared to the interfollicular areas. (C) The level of overlap of clonotypes between follic- ular and interfollicular compartments for all clones in paired samples (all clones) and for the 100 most frequent clones (top 100 clones). Horizontal bars represent the mean overlap (0.125 for all clones and 0.22 for top 100 clones)
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