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RUNX1 transactivated and interacted with KLF4
Phenylbutyrate up-regulated expressions of RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 in Kasumi-1 cells
Gene expression profiles of PB-treated Kasumi-1 cells demonstrated that RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 were up-regu- lated during the process of cell differentiation and apopto- sis induced by PB. To confirm the upregulation of these three genes, Kasumi-1 cells were treated with PB at differ- ent doses and incubation times. Then cells were harvest- ed, and the mRNA and protein expressions of RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 were evaluated by qRT-PCR and western blot. The results clearly showed that PB up-regulated RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 expressions at both mRNA (Figure 1A) and protein (Figure 1B) level in a time- and dose- dependent manner.
Identification of KLF4 as a novel target gene of RUNX1 and RUNX1-ETO
To determine the mechanism of KLF4 upregulation by PB treat- ment, we first analyzed KLF4 promoter region (bp -2668 to -195) (Homo sapiens chromosome 9, GRCh37) for the transcription fac- tors binding sites by Jaspar database. The result showed that there were seven putative RUNX1-binding sites (R1~R7) within KLF4 promoter region (Figure 2A). We then constructed a pGL3-KLF4 promoter reporter plasmid (pGL3-KLF4) containing RUNX1 bind- ing sites to analyze the transcriptional regulation effects of RUNX1 and RUNX1-ETO on KLF4. The luciferase activity of pGL3-KLF4 was activated by RUNX1 in a dose-dependent manner
with a nearly 12-fold increase at the dose of 200 ng (Figure 2B). However, there was a less than 3-fold increase of pGL3-KLF4 luciferase activity by RUNX1-ETO at the doses from 50 ng to 200 ng. To further determine the specific binding sites of RUNX1 and RUNX1-ETO on KLF4 promoter, ChIP assays were performed with a specific anti-RUNX1 antibody in Kasumi-1 cells. The results confirmed the direct binding of RUNX1 to KLF4 promoter region via four predicted binding sites at bp -2617 to -2607 (R1), bp -2312 to -2302 (R2), bp -1136 to -1126 (R4), and bp -764 to -754 (R5) (Figure 2C). Subsequently, western blot analyses were per- formed to verify the regulation relationship on protein level. 293T cells were transfected with pCMV5-vector, pCMV5-RUNX1 and pCMV5-RUNX1-ETO plasmids, respectively. After 48 h of trans- fection, cells were harvested for western blot. The results showed that KLF4 was clearly up-regulated by RUNX1 while RUNX1- ETO had almost no effect (Figure 2D).
KLF4 is also a novel binding partner of RUNX1 and RUNX1-ETO
De novo motif analysis of our previous RUNX1 Chip-Seq data demonstrated that KLF4 binding sites were signifi- cantly enriched within RUNX1 chip regions, which raised the hypothesis that KLF4 might co-localize and interact with RUNX1. To validate our hypothesis, immunofluores- cence confocal imaging analysis and co-immunoprecipita- tion (Co-IP) assays were performed. Immunofluorescence analysis showed both exogenous and endogenous co- localization of RUNX1 and KLF4 in nuclei (Figure 3A). Co- IP assay further confirmed the interaction between RUNX1 and KLF4 (Figure 3C and Online Supplementary Figure S1A). However, due to the low expression level of
Figure 1. Upregulation of RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 in t(8;21) leukemia cells by sodium phenylbutyrate (PB) treatment. (A) Relative expressions of RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 mRNA were measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in Kasumi-1 cells after treatment with different doses of PB for the time (hours, h) indicated. The gene transcript levels were normalized to those of GAPDH and set to 1 in the control group. (B) Western blot analysis of RUNX1, KLF4 and P57 protein expressions in Kasumi-1 cells after PB treatment. β-actin and H3 were used as internal loading controls.
haematologica | 2019; 104(8)

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