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Ferrata Storti Foundation
Haematologica 2019 Volume 104(1):138-146
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
A phase 2 study of rituximab, bendamustine, bortezomib and dexamethasone for first-line treatment of older patients with mantle cell lymphoma
Rémy Gressin 1,2,Nicolas Daguindau,3 Adrian Tempescul,4 Anne Moreau,5 Sylvain Carras,1 Emmanuelle Tchernonog,6 Anna Schmitt,7 Roch Houot,8 Caroline Dartigeas,9 Jean Michel Pignon,10 Selim Corm,11 Anne Banos,12 Christiane Mounier,13 Jehan Dupuis,14 Margaret Macro,15 Joel Fleury,16 Fabrice Jardin,17 Clementine Sarkozy,18 Ghandi Damaj,19 Pierre Feugier,20 Luc Matthieu Fornecker,21 Cecile Chabrot,22 Veronique Dorvaux,23 Krimo Bouadallah,24 Sandy Amorin,25 Reda Garidi,26 Laurent Voillat,27 Bertrand Joly,28 Philippe Solal Celigny,29 Nadine Morineau,30 Marie Pierre Moles,31 Hacene Zerazhi,32 Jean Fontan,33 Yazid Arkam,34 Magda Alexis,35 Vincent Delwail,36 Jean Pierre Vilque,37 Loic Ysebaert,38 Steven Le Gouill,39 Mary B. Callanan,2 40for the Lymphoma Study Association
1Onco-Hematology Department, Grenoble University Hospital; 2INSERM 1209, CNRS UMR 5309, Faculté de Médecine, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Grenoble; 3Hematology Department, Annecy Hospital; 4Hematology Department, Brest University Hospital; 5Pathology Department, Nantes University Hospital; 6Hematology Department, Montpellier University Hospital; 7Hematology Department, Cancer Institute Bergonie Bordeaux; 8Hematology Department, Rennes University Hospital; 9Hematology Department, Tours University Hospital; 10Hematology Department, Dunkerque Hospital; 11Hematology Department, Chambery Hospital; 12Hematology Department, Bayonne Hospital; 13Hematology Department, Loire Cancer Institute, Saint Etienne; 14Lymphoid Malignancies Unit, Henri Mondor University
Parts of this study were presented at the 2014 ASH meeting, the 2017 French Hematology Association meeting and the 2017 International Conference of Malignant Lymphoma.
IHBN - Hematology Department, Caen University Hospital; 16Hematology Department, Clermont-Ferrand Cancer Institute; 17Hematology Department, Rouen University Hospital; 18Hematology
Hospital, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Créteil;
Department, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud. INSERM 1052; 19Hematology Department, Amiens University Hospital; 20Hematology Department, Nancy University Hospital; 21Hematology Department, University Hospital Strasbourg; 22Hematology Department, University Clermont-Ferrand Hospital; 23Hematology Department, Metz University Hospital; 24Hematology Department, Bordeaux University Hospital; 25Hematology Department, University Hospital Paris Saint-Louis; 26Hematology Department, Saint Quentin Hospital; 27Hematology Department, Chalon Hospital; 28Hematology Department, Corbeil Hospital; 29Hematology Department, Victor Hugo Clinic, Le Mans; 30Hematology Department, Catherine de Sienne Clinic, Nantes; 31Hematology Department, Angers University Hospital; 32Hematology Department, Avignon Hospital; 33Hematology Department, Besançon University Hospital;
34Hematology Department, Mulhouse Hospital; 35Hematology Department, Orleans Hospital; 36Onco-Hematology Department, University Hospital Poitiers and INSERM, CIC 1402, Poitiers University; 37Hematology Department, Baclesse Caen Cancer Center; 38Hematology Department, Toulouse University Hospital; 39Hematology Department, Nantes University Hospital and 40Unit for Innovation in Genetics and Epigenetics in Oncology, Dijon University Hospital, France
RG, SL and MBC contributed equally to this work.
We present results of a prospective, multicenter, phase II study evaluating rituximab, bendamustine, bortezomib and dexam- ethasone as first-line treatment for patients with mantle cell lymphoma aged 65 years or older. A total of 74 patients were enrolled (median age, 73 years). Patients received a maximum of six cycles of treatment at 28-day intervals. The primary objective was to achieve an 18-month progression-free survival rate of 65% or higher. Secondary objectives were to evaluate toxicity and the prognostic impact of mantle cell lymphoma prognostic index, Ki67 expression, [18F]fluorodeoxyglu- cose-positron emission tomography and molecular minimal residual dis- ease, in peripheral blood or bone marrow. With a median follow-up of
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Received: February 23, 2018. Accepted: August 23, 2018. Pre-published: August 31, 2018.
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