Page 95 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 95

CHAPTER 12 - Myelodysplastic syndromes
Figure 1 Dyserythropoiesis Bone marrow smear showing erythroid hyperplasia with marked morphological abnormali es: megaloblastoid changes a a a a a a a a a a a detached nuclear frag- ment within the cytoplasm of an erythroblast erythroblast (center) a a a a a a a very large late erythroblast erythroblast with pykno c c irregularly shaped nucleus (top le le ) Figure Dyserythropoiesis Bone marrow smear A giant mul nucleated erythroblast Macro- normoblasts and giant erythroblasts erythroblasts could be included in in the count of dysplas c c c c erythroblasts erythroblasts but there is is no type of of erythroid dysplasia dysplasia with speci city for dysplasia dysplasia It is is of of cri cal importan- ce that dyserythropoiesis is is is is not assessed in isola on on and if dysplasia is is is is con ned to erythroid cells other causes of erythroid dysplasia should be considered (Goasguen et al 2018) 82 

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