Page 58 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 58
Figure 1 Bone Bone marrow marrow necrosis Bone Bone marrow marrow smear from a a a a a pa ent with non-Hodgkin lymphoma presen ng fever bone pain pancytopenia and leukoerythroblastosis Bone marrow is hypocellular with many necro c c c c c c cells which are impossible to classify Figure 2 Bone marrow marrow necrosis Higher magni ca on on on of the same bone marrow marrow smear as in Figure 1 reveals degenerated cells with dark pykno c c c c nuclei and ill-de ned cyto- plasmic outlines on on an amorphous background These cells were at rst considered to be artefacts Trephine biopsy specimens showed several necro c c c c zones and also areas of normal cellularity which were heavily in ltrated with lymphoma cells 45