Page 284 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
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Table 2 Schistocytes in in in in peripheral blood films in in in in different different conditions Note that the the the reported data have been obtained by different different authors and they are not therefore directly comparable due to to to inter-operator variability of of measurement Note also that the the the number of inves gated sub ects was o o o o o o o o o en en en very small linical condi on on of inves gated subjects
% of subjects
with schistocytes
% of schistocytes
Thrombo c c c thrombocytopenic purpura 6
8 8 35 (1 0-18 4)
Preeclampsia 5 80
0 0 0 25 (0-0 45)
Disseminated intravascular coagula on 35 86
0 0 33 (0-1 4)
Stem cell transplanta on 195
0 0 7 (0 1-4 4)
hronic renal disease 28
0 0 0 21 (0-0 6)
Prosthe c c c cardiac valves 5 100
0 0 0 18 (0-0 48)
Healthy subjects
0 0 0 0 05 (0-0 27)
*Burns et et et al al al 2004 **Lesesve **Lesesve et et et al al al 2014 ***Lesesve et et et al al al 2011 References
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Int Int J Lab Hematol 2012 34(2):107-116 Scully M Cataland S S Coppo P P et al al al Interna onal Working Group for Thrombo Thrombo c c c c c c c c c Thrombocytopenic Purpura Consen- sus on on on on the standardiza on on on on of terminology in in in thrombo thrombo thrombo c c c c c c c c c thrombocytopenic purpura and and and related thrombo thrombo thrombo c c c c c c c c c microan- giopathies
J Thromb Haemost 2017 15(2):312-322 271