Page 252 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 252

Figure 1 Platelet anisocytosis The wide variability of of platelet size is is is is a a a a a a a a characteristic of of inherited thrombocytopenias
Platelet anisocytosis is is is particularly evident in the forms with giant or or large platelets but it it is is also present in the forms with normal normal or or or or nearly normal normal platelet platelet size In this pa- tient with ACTN1-related thrombocytopenia platelet size ranges from normal to to very enlarged AB
Figure 2 Giant platelets Platelets larger than red cells or even neutrophils are a a a a a a a a distinguishing feature of MYH9-related disease the the most frequent form form of inherited thrombocytopenias
and the the classical biallelic form form of Bernard-Soulier syndrome a a a a a a a a much rarer condition Mean platelet diameter is on on on average 4 5 m m m m in MYH9-re-
lated lated disease disease and 4 4 4 2 m m m m m m m m m m in in Bernard-Soulier Bernard-Soulier syndrome syndrome In In both conditions more than than 50% of of of platelets are are larger than 4 m m m (half the diameter of red cells) In patients with MYH9-related disease due to mutations at at at at position
702 in in the motor domain of of M H9 more than than 75% of of platelets are larger than than half a a a a a a a a a red cell (Noris et et al al 2014) 239

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