Page 213 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 213
CHAPTER 25 - Inherited hemoglobin disorders
Figure 4 on on transfusion dependent thalassemia thalassemia thalassemia thalassemia intermedia ( ) Peripheral blood smear showing target cells cells hypochromic cells cells dacryocytes and basophilic s s s s s s s s s s ppling these last two features are mainly associated with hypersplenism Some platelets are present ( ) This peripheral blood smear reveals in addi on to dacryocytes with basophilic s s s s s s s s s s s s ppling ppling rare schistocytes Basophilic s s s s s s s s s s s s ppling ppling is is is is is indica ve of disturbed erythropoiesis and is is is is is not speci c c c c c c c c to thalassemia It is characterized by several basophilic granules sca ered in the cells which di erently from Pappenheimer bodies are not stained by Perls reac on on The diagnosis of thalassemia intermedia is is based on on clinical and hematologic features Figure Transfusion dependent thalassemia thalassemia thalassemia thalassemia major Peripheral blood lm from a a a a a a a a a a pa ent with homozygous -thalassemia showing anisopoikilocytosis and hypochromic microcy c c c c c c cells including dacryocytes and schistocytes Red blood cell cell fragments are the result of hemoglobin aggregates and precipitates Normal transfused cells are also present 200