Page 126 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 126

Figure cute myeloid leu emia without matura on on on Bone marrow smear (A) Blasts appear undi eren ated: they are medium-large in in size have loose chroma n n n n n n n n n n n n n one one or or or more nucleoli blue and and a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a some mes vacuolated cytoplasm (B) In most blasts blasts blasts peroxidase peroxidase reac vity vity is is localized in in in vacuoles and/or and/or Auer Auer bodies The myeloid commitment of of of blasts blasts blasts is is demonstrated by by peroxidase peroxidase or or or Sudan black posi vity vity in in ≥3% of of of blasts blasts and/or and/or by by the presence of of of Auer Auer rods AB Figure cute myeloid myeloid leu emia with matura matura on on on on Bone marrow (A) In In addi on on on on to nely granular blasts blasts there are mye- loid loid loid cells cells in in in in in late stages of matura matura on on on on (B) Sudan black B B B stain is posi ve in in in in in most blasts blasts and in in in in in the the maturing myeloid myeloid cells cells In In this subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (FAB classi ca on M2) blasts are ≥20% but <90% and promyelocytes myelocytes myelocytes and mature neutrophils cons tute ≥10% of of bone marrow cells cells Dysplasia may be present in in in 50% of of cells cells in in in two lineages AB Figure cute myelomonocy c c c c c c c c c c leu emia one marrow smear (A) Mixture of blasts blasts with with loose chroma n n n n n n n n n n n n n evident nucleoli abundant basophilic basophilic granular cytoplasm cytoplasm (monoblasts) promonocytes with with more irregular nuclear outline and and less basophilic basophilic cytoplasm cytoplasm and and and and granulocyte precursors precursors precursors (B) Non-speci c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c esterase reac vity in in the the the monocyte monocyte monocyte component In this AML (FAB clas- si ca on on on on on on on M4) neutrophils and and and their their precursors precursors precursors as as as as monocytes and and and their their precursors precursors precursors each cons tute ≥20% bone marrow cells 113

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