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Performance of AL cardiac staging systems
serum levels of troponins and in particular NT-proBNP.24– 26,28,33 We were also able to show that, in contrast, dFLC, which is applied by the MAYO2012 system, is only slight- ly elevated in patients with eGFR<50 or AF. The elevation of cardiac biomarkers translated into patients in both sub-
groups being assigned to higher stages of all the analyzed scoring systems; as a consequence, only a few patients with either of these comorbidities were assigned stage I in any scoring system. However, the patients assigned to the respective highest stage in the eGFR<50 and AF subgroups
Figure 3. Performance of the staging systems. Curves of time-dependent prediction errors as well as time-dependent concordance indices of the scoring systems. The Integrated Brier Score (IBS) for each staging system is given with the respective color, as indicated by the legend. The reference is the marginal Kaplan-Meier estimator, ignoring the predictors. A concordance index of 0.5 indicates random chance. (A) All patients. The MAYO2012 and MAYO3b lines lie one above another. (B) Subgroup of patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate <50 mL/min/1.73 m2. (C) Subgroup of patients with atrial arrhythmia or pacemaker rhythm.
haematologica | 2019; 104(7)

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