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R. Jimenez-P. et al.
(Online Supplementary Figure S1). As previously described,4 lymphoma cells form colonies in soft agar, whereas LCLs do not grow in this medium (Online Supplementary Figure S2). Together, these results suggest that anchorage to the vessel surface or to other cells might provide LCLs the sig- nals required for cell proliferation and that soft agar might inhibit their growth by blocking anchorage to the surface and to neighboring cells.
Figure 2. CDCA7 is overexpressed in BL cell lines. A. qPCR analysis of CDCA7 mRNA expression in the indicated BL and LCL cell lines. Expression is shown relative to that found in the LCL cell line IB4 and normalized by ACTB as mean+s.e.m. (n=3). B. Northern blot analysis of CDCA7 isoforms and ACTG1 mRNA expression in the indicated BL and LCL cell lines. Staining of the mem- brane with methylene blue is also shown. C. Immunoblot analysis of CDCA7 expression in the indicated BL and LCL cell lines. Tubulin is shown as loading control.
Figure 3. CDCA7 expression is deregulated in biopsies from BL patients. A. qPCR analysis of CDCA7 mRNA expression in a pool of 3 reactive tonsils and in 20 BL patient samples. Data were normalized to the expression of ACTB and are shown relative to the pool of reactive tonsils as mean+s.e.m (n=3). B. Sections from the germinal center of a reactive tonsil and from 9 BL cases were analyzed by immunohistochemistry staining with anti-CDCA7 S99 antibody. A section of a BL case was also stained with the preimmune serum as negative control. Representative images are shown. C. Quantification of preimmune-positive area in immunohistochemistry-stained sections of 4 BL cases (PI) and CDCA7-posi- tive area in immunohistochemistry-stained sections of 4 reactive tonsils (RT) and 12 BL cases. ***P<0.001; one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test.
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