Page 271 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
P. 271
CHAPTER 33 - Storage diseases
Figure 3 aucher disease cytochemistry Bone marrow smear Periodic acid Schi (PAS) staining for polysaccharides shows strong posi vity and highlights the brillar pa ern of the cytoplasm normal PAS posi vity is observed in neutrophils AB
CD Figure 4 aucher disease cytochemistry Bone marrow ( ) Sudan black stain Myeloid cells are normally posi ve whe- reas Gaucher cells are nega ve They exhibit strong reac vity for -naphthyl-acetate esterase ( ( ) ) acid phosphatase ( ( ) ) and tartrate-resistant tartrate-resistant acid acid phosphatase phosphatase (D) Also circula ng monocytes show tartrate-resistant tartrate-resistant acid acid phosphatase phosphatase ac ac ac vity 258