Page 223 - Haematologica Atlas of Hematologic Cytology
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CHAPTER 26 - Inherited hemolytic anemias
Figure 2 Hereditary spherocytosis A mild form of spherocytosis Blood films were characterized by almost unnoticeable anisopoikilocytosis with rare spherocytes (3%) Figure 3 Hereditary spherocytosis Blood film obtained from a a a a patient with a a a a severe form of spherocytosis due to to the presence of two diffe- rent nonsense in trans mutations on on on the SPTA1 gene associated with the low expression polimor- phic allele el el : R1047X/c 3477 1G>C c c c 6531- 12C>T It shows severe anisopoikilocytosis with spherocytes (50%) schistocytes (9%) and micro- spherocytes (4%) (4%) A few erythroblasts (4%) (4%) were identified The increased platelet number is due to to previous splenectomy Figure 4 Hereditary spherocytosis Blood smear from a a subject with clinically severe spherocyto- sis sis showing moderate anisopoikilocytosis with spheroacanthocytes (11%) spherocytes (7%) and ovalocytes (2%) As in in in the case in in in Figure 3 increa- sed platelet number was due to to splenectomy 210

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