Page 182 - Haematologica-April 2018
P. 182

W.R. Drobyski et al.
Figure 6. GvHD and transplant outcomes in patients treated with tocilizumab versus a matched CIBMTR control popu- lation. (A). Cumulative inci- dence of grades II-IV aGvHD in patients treated with tocilizum- ab versus the matched control cohort. (B). Probability of grades II-IV aGvHD-free survival. (C). Cumulative incidence of cGvHD, (D) transplant-related mortality, and (E) relapse. (F) Probability of disease-free survival in patients treated with tocilizum- ab versus the matched control cohort. Toc: tocilizumab: Tac: tacrolimus; MTX: methotrexate.
matched control population. There was, however, no dif- ference in the incidence of cGvHD or a reduction in TRM. We conclude that Toc has activity for the prevention of aGvHD, and warrants further examination in a random- ized setting.
This research was supported by a grant from the Kurtis Froedtert Foundation at the Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Center.
discernible adverse effect on immune reconstitution, as patients achieved near normal T-cell and B-cell subset numbers by 6-12 months post-transplantation.
In summary, this study demonstrates that Toc can be safely administered in conjunction with standard immune suppression to an older aged patient cohort treated with a Bu-based conditioning for the prevention of GvHD. The administration of Toc resulted in a low incidence of aGvHD, which was particularly evident within the lower GI tract, and was significantly less than that observed in a
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