Page 124 - Haematologica-April 2018
P. 124

A. Arvidsson et al. Results
MCL cells adhere stably to stromal cells
Approximately 10% of MCL cells (Jeko-1), which nor- mally grow in suspension, adhered to a mono-layer of the bone marrow-derived, adherent stromal cell line (MS-5) upon co-culture and remained in place when MCL cells remaining in suspension were poured away after 24 h (Figure 1A). The interaction with stromal cells was stable because addition of a 10-fold excess of CFDA-SE labeled MCL cells to the stromal cells with adhered MCL cells and
incubation for a further 24 h did not significantly displace the unlabeled bound cells (Figure 1A). Interestingly, the labeled MCL cells were able to bind to stromal cells inde- pendently of the previously bound MCL cells. Similar results were obtained when the order of addition of labeled and unlabeled cells was reversed (Figure 1A), indi- cating that the CFDA-SE label does not significantly affect the adherence characteristics of Jeko-1 cells in this assay. Thus, the co-cultured MCL cells could be divided into two relatively stable subsets (adherent and suspension), and therefore it was of interest to characterize differences in
Figure 1. Identification of differentially regulated genes in adherent co-cul- ture cells. (A) A fraction of co-cultured Jeko-1 cells adhere to an MS-5 cell mono-layer and remain stably bound in the presence of excess suspension cells. The number of unlabeled (light gray) or CFDA-SE labeled (dark gray) Jeko- 1 cells adhered to MS-5 stromal cells after 24 hours (h) was not significantly reduced after a further 24 h of incubation (48 h) with excess CFDA-SE (P=0.841) or unlabeled (P=0.391) Jeko-1 cells, respectively. Mean±Standard Deviation are shown for cultures (n=3). (B) Experimental design showing the three Jeko-1 and the two MS-5 stromal cell fractions for which RNAseq data were acquired. (C) Heatmap representation of relative transcript levels for the 3697 genes with significantly changed mRNA levels (FDR q-value ≤ 0.05) in at least one Jeko-1 cell fraction after hierarchical clustering. (D) Venn diagram illustrating number of differentially expressed genes in pair-wise comparisons between the three Jeko-1 cell fractions (FDR q-value ≤ 0.05, total number of changed genes: 3697). The three comparisons in the Venn diagram are: adherent Jeko-1 cells in co-culture (ADH) compared with suspension Jeko-1 cells in co-culture (SUSP), n=1050 (ADH/SUSP), ADH compared to mono-cul- tured Jeko-1 cells (SEP), n=3453 (ADH/SEP) SUSP compared to SEP n=1471 (SUSP/SEP). (E) Ranked fold changes of 1050 genes with changed transcript levels in ADH relative to SUSP Jeko-1 cells in co-culture.
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