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Metabolism of stored human and macaque RBC
ular similarities and differences in metabolic phenotypes of fresh and stored RBC when comparing these two species will inform the appropriateness of RM as a model in transfusion medicine and, specifically, of RBC storage in the context of specific interventions (e.g., testing novel storage additives). As such, our results suggest that sever- al metabolic pathways in RM RBC overlap those in human RBC at baseline and during storage. This assess- ment of comparative RBC biology will likely be relevant in pre-clinical and clinical transfusion medicine and hematology. Nonetheless, clear differences emerged in this initial comparison, which provide opportunities for
further investigation of uniquely different biochemical pathways that affect RBC under baseline conditions and during refrigerated storage.
Research reported in this publication was supported by funds from the Boettcher Webb-Waring Investigator Award (to ADA), RM1GM131968 from the National Institute of General and Medical Sciences (to ADA), R01HL146442 (to ADA) and R01HL148151 (to SLS, ADA, and JCZ) from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes (to ADA) and a Shared Instrument grant from the National Institute of Health (S10OD021641).
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