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Hyperactive GPIb-von Willebrand factor interaction as cause of thrombocytopenia: altered platelet formation versus clearance
Kathleen Freson
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Center for Molecular and Vascular Biology, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium E-mail: KATHLEEN FRESON -
Platelet-type von Willebrand disease (PT-VWD; MIM177820) is a very rare dominant platelet disorder caused by missense variants in the GP1BA gene that codes for glycoprotein Ibalpha (GPIba), the receptor for von Willebrand factor (VWF).1 These variants are gain-of-func- tion (GOF) variants that result in enhanced binding of VWF to platelet GPIba with subsequent removal of high-molec- ular-weight forms of VWF in plasma.2,3 Though this results in hyper-responsive platelets, PT-VWD patients present with mild mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms and inter- mittent thrombocytopenia with presence of some larger platelets. For years, it was hypothesized that this thrombo- cytopenia was the result of enhanced platelet clearance from the circulation due to the presence of the VWF-loaded platelets, but this was actually never shown in vivo. No pre- vious attempts had been made to study megakaryopoiesis in these patients.
The study by Bury et al., in this issue of the Journal, now provides three rationales that corroborate the clinical and laboratory defects found for PT-VWD by studying megakaryopoiesis and platelet clearance using a human (p.M239V) and mouse (p.G233V) model for this disease (Figure 1).4 They found that: 1) ectopic platelets are released in the bone marrow; 2) PT-VWD megakaryocytes (MK) release larger but less (pro)platelets; and 3) GPIb-VWF pos- itive platelets are more rapidly released from the blood cir- culation. These mechanisms support a combined defect in platelet formation and clearance to explain thrombocytope- nia in PT-VWD. This study has used CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from a PT-VWD patient to study in vitro megakaryopoiesis. Data supported a mild defect in pro- platelet formation with a reduction in the number of pro- platelet tips that were larger, though a similar percentage from all MK were able to form proplatelets when compared to those from healthy donors. Interestingly, proplatelet for- mation was enhanced when PT-VWD MK were spread on collagen (but not on VWF or fibrinogen) and signaling stud- ies revealed that this was due to increased enhanced Lyn phosphorylation (Lyn-P) resulting from the spontaneous GPIb-VWF interaction. Lyn-P blocks the normal RhoA- dependent inhibition of proplatelet formation in the pres- ence of collagen I. Such a defect would result in the ectopic release of platelets in the bone marrow, and histological examination of bone marrow sections from the PT-VWD patient showed the presence of slightly more platelets (P<0.05) when compared to slides from three controls and three immune thrombocytopenia patients. Probably more studies in other PT-VWD patients are required to support these findings, though at least mouse studies using a PT- VWD knock-in model confirmed all these findings. The PT- VWD mouse model was also used to study platelet clear- ance and a significant reduced platelet half-life was
observed for platelets with mutant GPIba that captured VWF. Interestingly, desmopressin (DDAVP) administration to PT-VWD mice to increase their plasma VWF levels fur- ther decreased their lower platelet count, and this was asso- ciated with a further drop in platelet lifespan. PT-VWD mouse platelets did not expose increased levels of phos- phatidylserine, excluding an important role for apoptosis as mediator for platelet clearance.
PT-VWD can be misdiagnosed as type 2B von Willebrand disease (VWD2B; MIM613554), as these two platelet disor- ders have very similar phenotypic parameters and clinical symptoms.5 VWD2B is caused by dominant GOF variants in the gene coding for von Willebrand factor VWF, generat- ing mutant VWF with enhanced affinity for GPIba with subsequent removal of high-molecular-weight forms of VWF in plasma. VWD2B patients and mice display mild bleeding and macrothrombocytopenia.6-8 Different studies have already investigated possible mechanisms that could explain the thrombocytopenia present in VWD2B. Briefly, by studying nine unrelated VWD2B patients with different GOF variants,6,7 electron microcopy showed that their platelets are larger, with the presence of giant platelets and platelet agglutinates. In vitro megakaryopoiesis studies using VWD2B HSC showed a reduction in proplatelet formation from enlarged swellings, and MK with a disorganized demarcation membrane system and abnormal granule dis- tribution, pointing to a role of mutant VWF during MK mat- uration in conditions where the GOF-VWF could only be produced by the MK.6 When HSC from healthy donors are cultured in conditions where exogenous wild-type (WT) or GOF (p.R1306W) VWF is added to the thrombopoietin con- taining medium, (pro)platelet-formation was enhanced compared to conditions without VWF, but, remarkably, the GOF-VWF had a more pronounced stimulatory effect com- pared to WT-VWF. This seems to indicate that the GOF- VWF produced by VWD2B MK act differently to when adding exogenous GOF-VWF to normal MK. Interestingly, treatment of VWD2B MK with exogenous WT-VWF did raise the (pro)platelet counts though these remained lower than the numbers obtained from control MK. In vitro megakaryopoiesis studied for PT-VWD was only per- formed in conditions of endogenous VWF produced by the MK. The role of platelet- versus endothelial cell-derived VWF for in vivo megakaryopoiesis in healthy or diseases models has not yet been studied. A similar MK defect was described later for the VWD2B (p.V1316M) knock-in mouse model.8 HSC from these mice produce less pro- platelet-forming MK (in contrast to the PT-VWD mouse model) with decreased numbers of proplatelets per MK that have a larger size (similar to the PT-VWD mouse model). Signaling studies revealed a strong upregulation of the RhoA/LIMK/cofilin pathway that resulted in F-actin accu-
haematologica | 2019; 104(7)

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